Početak radova na projektu izgradnje i opremanja postrojenja za sortiranje odvojeno prikupljenog otpada grada Bjelovara
Grad Bjelovar provodi projekt „Izgradnja i opremanje postrojenja za sortiranje odvojeno prikupljenog otpada Grada Bjelovara“ vrijedan više od 45 milijuna kuna kojim će se povećati količina odvojeno sakupljenog komunalnog otpada, a samim time i smanjiti ...
Početak radova na projektu poboljšanje vodno-komunalne infrastrukture aglomeracija Slatina
Započeli su radovi na projektu “Poboljšanja vodno-komunalne infrastrukture aglomeracija Slatina” na kojem tvrtka Sedra Consulting d.o.o. vrši usluge upravljanja projektom. Više o projektu možete pročitati na linku: https://www.slatina.hr/portal/u-slatini-zapoceli-radovi-na-izgradnji-sustava-odvodnje-u-okviru-projekta-aglomeracije-slatina/?fbclid=IwAR0F2Vs2zQDTHhHVHcu_V2CKa2Xxi3ZzRZn14zoO_thUcWRgPvtWspL46wo
Početak radova na projektu prikupljanja, odvodnje i pročišćavanja otpadnih voda na području Vrbovca
Svečano su otvoreni radovi na izgradnji nove kanalizacijske mreže u Vrbovcu ukupne vrijednosti 190 milijuna kuna na projektu Prikupljanja, odvodnje i pročišćavanja otpadnih voda na području Vrbovca. Predviđena je izgradnja 46 km kolektora i 6 ...
Završetak radova na projektu sustava javnog navodnjavanja Orubica
Unutar ugovorenog roka završeni su svi radovi na projektu Sustav javnog navodnjavanja Orubica na kojem je tvrtka Sedra Consulting d.o.o. izvršavala uslugu stručnog nadzora. Ovo je prvi javni sustav navodnjavanja u Brodsko-posavskoj županiji koji je ...
Poboljšanje vodnokomunalne infrastrukture na području aglomeracije Vinkovci, Otok, Ivankovo i Cerna – početak radova
Tvrtka Sedra consulting d.o.o. potpisala je ugovor te započela radove za usluge stručnog nadzora na izgradnji i rekonstrukciji sustava javne odvodnje na području aglomeracije Vinkovci, Otok, Ivankovo i Cerna. Projekt obuhvaća izgradnju 118.989 metara sekundarne ...
Javno navodnjavanje „Glog“ – potpisan Ugovor o nadzoru
Dana 27.07.2018. godine potpisan je ugovor o pružanju usluga stručnog nadzora (geotehnički, geodetski, građevinski, strojarski i elektrotehnički) nad građenjem sustava javnog navodnjavanja Glog.
Javno navodnjavanje „Orubica“ – potpisan Ugovor o nadzoru
Dana 21.08.2018. godine potpisan je ugovor o pružanju usluga stručnog nadzora (geotehnički, geodetski, građevinski, strojarski i elektrotehnički) i koordinatora II zaštite na radu nad građenjem sustava javnog navodnjavanja Orubica.
SEDRA consulting zapošljava
Tražimo samostalnog referenta za poslove javne nabave (m/ž) Uvjeti: - SSS/VŠS/VSS - minimalno 3 godine radnog iskustva u poslovima javne nabave - poželjno znanje engleskog jezika - vozačka dozvola B kategorije Ako zadovoljavate uvjete potrebna ...
SEDRA consulting zapošljava!
Tražimo nadzornog inženjera (m/ž) građevinske struke. Uvjeti: – VSS – minimalno 2 godine radnog iskustva kao nadzorni inženjer nad izgradnjom objekata cestovne infrastrukture – članstvo u HKIG – poželjno znanje engleskog jezika – vozačka dozvola ...
Sedra consulting d.o.o. traži novog zaposlenika
* nadzorni inženjer za svakodnevni rad na projektu „ Stručni nadzor nad provedbom projekta rekonstrukcije sustava vodoopskrbe, rekonstrukcije i izgradnje sustava odvodnje i izgradnja uređaja za pročišćivanje otpadnih voda Aglomeracije Petrinja“ Potrebno iskustvo kao nadzorni ...
Sedra consulting zapošljava!
Inženjer si građevinske struke, kužiš se u projektiranje? Upravo tebe tražimo, javi nam se na info@sedra.hr, jer Sedra consulting pruža još šanse za zaposlenje! Ovaj put je riječ o poziciji Nadzorni inženjer - projektant elektrotehnike, ...
Sedra consulting d.o.o. traži dva nova zaposlenika
Sedra consulting d.o.o. traži dva nova zaposlenika: *Nadzorni inženjer / Projektant elektrotehnike (m/ž)* *Projektant hidrotehničkog smjera (m/ž)* Ako zadovoljavate uvjete potrebna je dobra volja i želja za suradnjom. Javite nam se putem maila ili oglasa ...
Tvrtka Sedra consulting darovala laptop Osnovnoj školi Velika Mlaka
Tvrtka Sedra consulting Osnovnoj školi Velika Mlaka, darovala je laptop za potrebe robotike, kako bi brže i uspješnije ostvarili svoje ciljeve. http://os-velika-mlaka.skole.hr/?news_hk=1&news_id=2157&mshow=290#mod_news
Sedra consulting d.o.o. traži novog zaposlenika – *PROJEKTANT HIDROTEHNIČKOG SMJERA M/Ž*
Objavljujemo da imamo nepopunjeno radno mjesto 'Projektant hidrotehničkog smjera', te kao takvog tražimo; - VSS - članstvo u HKIG - 3 godine radnog iskustva - vozačka dozvola B Ako zadovoljavate uvjete potrebna je dobra volja ...
Sedra consulting d.o.o. traži nova 3 (tri) zaposlenika
Sedra consulting d.o.o. traži nova 3 (tri) zaposlenika – *NADZORNI INŽENJER GRAĐEVINSKE STRUKE (m/ž)* Objavljujemo da imamo nepopunjeno radno mjesto Nadzornog inženjera građevinske struke, te kao takvog tražimo - 3 (tri) izvršitelja. 1. IZVRŠITELJ: - ...
Svečano je otvoreno novo vodocrpilište u Đurđevcu, nad čijom je izgradnjom Sedra consuting d.o.o. provodila stručni nadzor
Svečano je otvoreno novo vodocrpilište u Đurđevcu, nad čijom je izgradnjom Sedra consuting d.o.o. provodila stručni nadzor. O završetku projekta vrijednog oko 14 milijuna kuna, svečanom otvorenju i samom vodocrpilištu, možete pročitati na linku koji ...
Office of the Sedra consulting d.o.o. has moved to another location
We are pleased to inform you that office of the Sedra Consulting d.o.o. company has moved to another location. New office space is adequate for our recently extended team and it is providing suitable working ...
Sedra consulting d.o.o is looking for new employee – supervising engineer/designer for electrical engineering
We are pleased to announce that there is open postion for electrical engineer in our company. Candidate is required to have minimum 3 years of experience in electrical supervision and designing, university diploma, membership in ...
Sedra consulting d.o.o is looking for new employee – supervising civil engineer
We are pleased to announce that there is open postion for supervising civil engineer in our company. Candidate is required to have minimum 2 years of experience in supervision of water engineering and civil engineering ...
EU project Petrinja – a contract signed for supervision services
On June 3rd 2016., in Small Town Hall of Petrinja, the contract for professional supervision on the Project for improvement of water and public utility infrastructure in Petrinja Agglomeration was signed. Take a look at ...
A contract signed for supervision services over the construction and reconstruction of the water supply system in the Đurđevac Agglomeration
The signing ceremony of the contract being a part of the project: Construction and Reconstruction of the Water Supply System in the Đurđevac Agglomeration” took place at the Old Castle in Đurđevac. On behalf of ...
EU project Petrinja – office keys were handed over
On 14th April 2016, mayor of the city of Petrinja Mr. Darinko Dumbović handed the keys of office, placed on city handball court, to the company Sedra consulting Ltd., who will provide services of professional ...
- Professional supervision of the construction of the access road, footpath and cycling path, sidewalks and public canal on the streets in the city of Zagreb has begun Gallery
Professional supervision of the construction of the access road, footpath and cycling path, sidewalks and public canal on the streets in the city of Zagreb has begun
Professional supervision of the construction of the access road, footpath and cycling path, sidewalks and public canal on the streets in the city of Zagreb has begun
The company Sedra consulting Ltd. has started with professional supervision of the construction of the access road to Vukomerec street, professional supervision covering the construction of footpath and cycling path from Veliko Polje to Buzin ...
Professional supervision of collection canal reconstruction in Brestovečka street in city of Zagreb has begun
The company Sedra consulting Ltd. has started with professional supervision of collection canal reconstruction in Brestovečka street for Ordering Party Vodoopskrba i odvodnja Ltd. of city of Zagreb.
Professional and accounting supervision of construction of public area in Vinogradska street in city of Sisak has begun
The company Sedra consulting Ltd. has started with professional and accounting supervision of construction of public area in Vinogradska street (I. phase) in city of Sisak.
Donating sports equipment to the Basketball Club Gorica
The company Sedra consulting Ltd. has donated sports equipment to young cadets of the Basketball Club Gorica and it wishes them lots of future success in this sport.
Agreement on Consulting Services – Project Director (Individual Consultant) was signed with the company Vodovod grada Vukovara Ltd.
On 5 January 2016 the Agreement on Consulting Services – Project Director (Individual Consultant) was signed between the companies Vodovod grada Vukovara Ltd and Sedra consulting Ltd. concerning the Project for the improvement of water ...
- Agreement on the provision of professional supervision of the construction of pedestrian communication between the facilities Zelengaj 37 and Zelengaj 37a (Mali Zelengaj) has been signed Gallery
Agreement on the provision of professional supervision of the construction of pedestrian communication between the facilities Zelengaj 37 and Zelengaj 37a (Mali Zelengaj) has been signed
Agreement on the provision of professional supervision of the construction of pedestrian communication between the facilities Zelengaj 37 and Zelengaj 37a (Mali Zelengaj) has been signed
On 19 January 2016, Special Hospital Goljak, as the Ordering Party and company Sedra consulting Ltd. signed the Agreement on the provision of professional supervision of the construction of pedestrian communication between the facilities Zelengaj ...
- Project of water supply reconstruction, reconstruction and construction of drainage system and the construction of wastewater treatment device in Petrinja agglomeration Gallery
Project of water supply reconstruction, reconstruction and construction of drainage system and the construction of wastewater treatment device in Petrinja agglomeration
Project of water supply reconstruction, reconstruction and construction of drainage system and the construction of wastewater treatment device in Petrinja agglomeration
On 14 January 2016 at the premises of City Administration of the city of Petrinja (small Town Hall), a preliminary meeting was held presenting the time frames for signing the “Agreement on the provision of ...
Agreement on the implementation of professional supervision – Vodovod grada Vukovara Ltd. was signed
On 25 November 2015 in the premises of the Ordering Party "Vodovod grada Vukovara Ltd.“ the Agreement on the implementation of professional supervision of the construction of wastewater treatment device of Sotin settlement was signed ...
Agreement on the implementation of professional supervision – Slavča Ltd. was signed
On 11 November 2015 in the premises of the Ordering Party Slavča Ltd. the Agreement on the implementation of professional supervision of the project "Wastewater Collection, Drainage and Treatment System of Nova Gradiška Agglomeration" was ...